Gesundheitsvollmacht Englisch

Gesundheitsvollmacht Englisch
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4-46 – 4373

Title: Health Care Proxy

Date: [Datum]

Place: [Ort]


1. The Principal: [Name des Vollmachtgebers], [Anschrift]

2. The Agent: [Name des bevollmächtigten Vertreters], [Anschrift]

Document Body:

1. Scope and Duration:

This Health Care Proxy grants the Agent the authority to make health care decisions on behalf of the Principal. This durable power of attorney for health care is effective immediately and will remain in effect until revoked by the Principal.

2. Specific Instructions:

The Principal provides the following specific instructions regarding health care decisions:

[Hier können spezifische Anweisungen des Vollmachtgebers eingefügt werden]

The Agent shall make decisions based on the Principal’s known wishes and, if these are not known, in the Principal’s best interest.

3. Signatures:

By signing below, the Principal and the Agent acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Health Care Proxy.

The Principal:

[Unterschrift des Vollmachtgebers]

Date: [Datum der Unterschrift]

The Agent:

[Unterschrift des bevollmächtigten Vertreters]

Date: [Datum der Unterschrift]


[Liste der beigefügten Dokumente]

Legal Notice:

Health Care Proxy Template



Wie schreibt man eien Gesundheitsvollmacht Englisch

Um eine Gesundheitsvollmacht auf Englisch zu verfassen, folgen Sie bitte den untenstehenden Anweisungen:

1. Titel, Datum und Ort

Beginnen Sie das Dokument mit einer Überschrift, die den Titel „Gesundheitsvollmacht“ trägt. Darunter geben Sie das Datum des Dokuments sowie den Ort an, an dem es erstellt wird.



Datum: [Datum des Dokuments]

Ort: [Ort der Erstellung]

2. Parteien

Geben Sie nun die Parteien an, die an der Gesundheitsvollmacht beteiligt sind. Das beinhaltet den Namen des Vollmachtgebers (die Person, die die Vollmacht erteilt) und den Namen des Bevollmächtigten (die Person, der die Vollmacht übertragen wird).



Vollmachtgeber: [Name des Vollmachtgebers]

Bevollmächtigter: [Name des Bevollmächtigten]

3. Dokumentenkörper

Der Dokumentenkörper enthält die eigentlichen Bedingungen und Anweisungen der Gesundheitsvollmacht. Er kann in Abschnitte und Klauseln unterteilt werden.

  Gesundheitsvollmacht Kind Deutsch Englisch



Abschnitt 1: Umfang und Dauer

Der Bevollmächtigte ist ermächtigt, im Namen des Vollmachtgebers alle medizinischen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Diese Vollmacht bleibt in Kraft, solange der Vollmachtgeber nicht in der Lage ist, selbstständig Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Abschnitt 2: Spezifische Anweisungen

Der Bevollmächtigte soll folgende spezifische Anweisungen beachten:

– [Spezifische Anweisung 1]

– [Spezifische Anweisung 2]

– [Spezifische Anweisung 3]

4. Unterschriften

Am Ende des Dokuments müssen sowohl der Vollmachtgeber als auch der Bevollmächtigte das Dokument unterschreiben. Zusätzlich können Zeugen hinzugezogen werden, um die Gültigkeit des Dokuments zu bestätigen.



_____________________________ _____________________________

Vollmachtgeber (Datum) Bevollmächtigter (Datum)


1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

5. Anhänge

Fügen Sie bei Bedarf Anhänge hinzu, wie beispielsweise spezifische medizinische Informationen oder Anweisungen



– [Anhang 1: Medizinische Informationen]

– [Anhang 2: Anweisungen zur Behandlung]

6. Rechtliche Mitteilung

Schließen Sie das Dokument mit einer rechtlichen Mitteilung ab, die besagt, dass alle Bedingungen und Klauseln der Gesundheitsvollmacht rechtskonform sind und von beiden Parteien verstanden wurden.


Rechtliche Mitteilung:

Ich, [Vollmachtgeber], bestätige hiermit, dass ich die Bedingungen und Klauseln dieser Gesundheitsvollmacht verstanden habe und diese freiwillig unterzeichne.

Ich, [Bevollmächtigter], bestätige hiermit, dass ich die Bedingungen und Klauseln dieser Gesundheitsvollmacht verstanden habe und diese freiwillig annehme.

[Unterschrift des Vollmachtgebers] [Unterschrift des Bevollmächtigten]

Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie, dass dies nur ein Beispiel ist und keine Rechtsberatung darstellt. Konsultieren Sie bei Bedarf einen Anwalt, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Gesundheitsvollmacht den geltenden rechtlichen Anforderungen entspricht.

1. What is a health care proxy?

A health care proxy, also known as a health care power of attorney or a medical power of attorney, is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone to make medical decisions on your behalf if you become unable to make them yourself.

2. Why is a health care proxy important?

A health care proxy is important because it ensures that your medical wishes are followed even if you are unable to communicate them. It provides peace of mind knowing that someone you trust will be making decisions in your best interest.

3. How do I choose a health care proxy?

  Internationale Gesundheitsvollmacht

When choosing a health care proxy, it is important to select someone who understands your values and will advocate for your medical wishes. This person should be trustworthy, reliable, and willing to take on the responsibility.

4. Can I have more than one health care proxy?

Yes, you can have multiple health care proxies. However, it is important to designate one person as your primary proxy, who will make decisions in case of any disagreements among the proxies.

5. Can I change my health care proxy?

Yes, you can change your health care proxy at any time as long as you are mentally competent to do so. It is recommended to review and update your health care proxy periodically or when there are significant changes in your life.

6. What decisions can my health care proxy make?

Your health care proxy can make a wide range of medical decisions on your behalf, including decisions about treatment options, surgeries, medications, and end-of-life care. The specific authority granted to your proxy can be detailed in the health care proxy document.

7. How does a health care proxy differ from a living will?

A health care proxy differs from a living will in that a proxy appoints someone to make medical decisions, while a living will expresses your specific medical wishes in advance. It is recommended to have both a health care proxy and a living will to ensure comprehensive medical decision-making.

8. Can a health care proxy be overridden?

In general, a health care proxy cannot be overridden unless a court determines that the proxy is not acting in your best interest or that you are no longer incapacitated. It is important to select a proxy who will honor your wishes and values.

9. Do I need a lawyer to create a health care proxy?

While it is not required to have a lawyer create a health care proxy, it is recommended to seek legal advice to ensure that the document is properly executed and in accordance with local laws. Many states provide sample forms that can be used to create a health care proxy.

10. Can I have a health care proxy if I am a minor?

In most jurisdictions, minors do not have the legal capacity to appoint a health care proxy. However, some states may allow minors to express their medical wishes through other legal means, such as a pediatric advance directive or through the appointment of a guardian.

  Gesundheitsvollmacht Kind Reise Englisch

11. Can my health care proxy refuse treatment on my behalf?

Your health care proxy has the authority to refuse or consent to treatment on your behalf based on the instructions you have provided in the health care proxy document. It is important to have open and honest conversations with your proxy about your medical wishes.

12. Do I need a health care proxy if I have a durable power of attorney?

A durable power of attorney is a separate legal document that authorizes someone to make financial decisions on your behalf. While it may grant some authority over medical decisions, it is generally recommended to have a health care proxy specifically dedicated to medical decision-making.

13. Can I have different health care proxies for different medical conditions?

Yes, you can have different health care proxies for different medical conditions. If you have multiple conditions that require specialized care, you may want to consider appointing different proxies who have expertise in those areas.

14. Can my health care proxy access my medical records?

Your health care proxy generally has the authority to access your medical records in order to make informed medical decisions. However, it is important to check local laws and regulations regarding privacy and medical record access.

15. What happens if I don’t have a health care proxy?

If you don’t have a health care proxy and become unable to make medical decisions, the decision-making authority may fall to your family members or doctors. This can potentially lead to conflicts and decisions that may not align with your wishes. It is always recommended to have a health care proxy in place to ensure your wishes are respected.

Remember that the information provided here is general in nature and should not be considered legal advice. It is recommended to consult with a lawyer or legal professional to discuss your specific situation and requirements regarding a health care proxy.

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